The Jerome Lejeune Foundation in its commitment to the research on Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities of genetic origin, awards every year a 4th-year PhD scholarship to young scientists working on Down Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome and enrolled in a French doctoral school, facilitating the finalisation of their thesis in the best conditions.

No call planned


♦ PhD students registered in their 3rd year of PhD in a French university.

♦ The 4th year extension must be well justified.

♦ The research project of the candidate must be directly related to Down Syndrome or Fragile X Syndrome and resulting publication(s) must acknowledge the Jerome Lejeune Foundation.

* Teams can only present one candidate.

* The funds provided by the Jerome Lejeune Foundation cannot in any way be used to purchase or make use of human embryonic or fetal tissues or another biological material obtained through abortions, IVF or human cloning or to create new human germinal cells.* 

Selection process

Applications will be evaluated and ranked by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Jerome Lejeune Foundation.

The Board of Directors of the Jerome Lejeune Foundation will take the final decision based upon the recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Board.

Selection is based on compliance with the eligibility criteria, candidate profile and motivation, scientific excellence of the hosting laboratory and expertise on Down syndrome.  


The scholarship covers the salary of the candidate to an amount of 40.000 € for 12 months.

How to apply?

Applications must be prepared following the guidelines and submitted via our  online application system.


FJL 4th-year PhD Scholarship – Application Guidelines

FJL 4th-year PhD Scholarship– Project file template


Conseil Scientifique – Fondation Jérôme Lejeune
+33 (0)1 5658 5638

Awarded 4th-year PhD scholarships

Program started in 2020: 4 awardees

Total amount: 160.000 €